
Mayor’s Report: September 26, 2013

Thank You Garden City Fire Department

Writing on behalf of the Garden City Community, I wish to thank Fire Chief William Castoro and the members of the Garden City Fire Department for conducting the beautiful 12th year anniversary ceremony of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. It was a very moving experience and assisted many of us to get through that difficult day.

Police Enforcement Of Speeding In The Village

With the commencement of the new school year, the police department has extended its aggressive driving campaign to include serious traffic violations on roadways in the vicinity of village schools as well as bus stops and walking routes to schools. From Sept. 3 through Sept. 10, the department issued 54 tickets for speeding in a school zone, 12 tickets were issued for other speeding violations, and 148 tickets issued for miscellaneous moving violations, including cell phone violations, stop sign violations, red light violations, suspended license violations, and suspended registration violations.

Safely Yield To Volunteer Firefighters Who Are Responding To Emergencies

A chronic problem involving motorists in the village is the failure to safely yield the right of way to volunteer firefighters who are responding to a fire alarm.

Under state law, volunteer firefighters are permitted to display a flashing blue light in their vehicles as they are responding to fire emergencies. While this flashing blue light does not entitle the driver to violate any of the speed limits, traffic controls, etc., it does signify that the driver is responding to an emergency. All motorists seeing an approaching vehicle displaying this blue flashing light are encouraged to safely yield the right of way as they would were it an emergency vehicle displaying red flashing lights.

Right Turn On Red Signal Law

Please be mindful of the right turn on red signal law. Although drivers making a right on red are supposed to stop before turning, they are also required to yield to oncoming vehicles having the green light. All too often these turns are being made without any stop and further by cutting in front of on-coming vehicles thereby endangering not only themselves but innocent parties as well.

Railroad Parking Permits

As of Sept. 16, the village will begin issuing railroad parking permits for the 2013-14 year. The annual fee is $150 (this equates to less than $.60 per day).

Permits may be obtained at the village hall business office, 351 Stewart Ave. Residents who already possess a 2012-13 permit will receive a renewal application by mail which may be returned to the village either by mail or in person. Please review the information provided and correct any erroneous data and/or complete any missing information. A copy of your vehicle registration MUST accompany your application and check. The 2012-13 parking permits will be honored until Oct. 31.

Please Continue To Shop And Dine Outdoors In Garden City

The residents of Garden City are very fortunate to have viable retail businesses on Seventh Street, Franklin Avenue and New Hyde Park Road where there is a good variety of quality merchandise and family dining experiences available to be enjoyed. Please support these businesses and enjoy the products, variety and outstanding customer service. I look forward to seeing everyone in town.

More On Acting Now To Be Prepared For Hurricane Season

In an earlier column, I shared some suggestions on how to secure your property in preparation for a hurricane. The following are additional recommendations on what you can do now to be prepared in the event that a major storm hits Long Island.

As the storm approaches, customers should take the following steps to prepare for the arrival of either a hurricane or tropical storm:

 • Never touch or go near fallen wires, even if you think they are safe. Parents can use this opportunity to remind children that wires are dangerous. If you are in a vehicle that comes in contact with a downed wire, stay in your vehicle until help arrives.

• Make sure you have a working, battery-powered radio or television and a good supply of fresh replacement batteries. Have flashlights available for all family members.

• Make sure all motor-driven equipment, such as garage door openers, can be operated manually.

• When using a portable generator, make sure all LIPA-powered equipment is disconnected. This will avoid severe hazards when reconnecting the power to your home or business.

• Have a first aid kit at home and check its contents to make sure they are complete and up-to-date. If you have family members with special medical needs, such as insulin or other prescription drugs, check to make sure you have an adequate supply.

• Do not use charcoal to cook indoors; deadly carbon monoxide gas can accumulate in your home.

• If you have an elderly neighbor, be a Good Samaritan and check on his or her status. Even a quick telephone call during a storm can provide much appreciated assurance that help is nearby if needed. Should telephone service be lost, as was in last year’s Hurricane Sandy, please make a personal visit.

• Should an electric power interruption occur, all sensitive equipment, such as computers and televisions should be disconnected until service is restored.

LIPA has also like asked that their customers to be alert. If you see repair crews working on downed power lines, please drive carefully. Expect delays and exercise caution when driving near any of the repair crews working to restore your power. For more detailed information regarding hurricanes and the steps customers should take to prepare for the possibility that the storm could hit Long Island, LIPA’s electric service customers should go to www.lipower.org. Please take these suggestions seriously; they can save your life.

Board Of Trustees’ Meeting Schedule

The next board of trustees meetings will be on Thursday, Oct. 3 and Thursday, Oct. 17. The meetings will be held in the boardroom at village hall and begin at 8 p.m. I encourage all residents to attend board of trustees meetings so as to be thoroughly informed of village issues from a first-hand perspective.