
Farmingdale Art Students Selected For Exhibits

All across Long Island, talented Advanced Placement Art students are invited to exhibit their work. One venue takes place at Long Island University CW Post called “Advanced Visions: High School Artists of Excellence” the exhibition highlights the superior talent and creativity found among high school Advanced Placement artists. Two Farmingdale High School art students were chosen to represent Farmingdale’s art program taught by Ms. R Nicholas.  Kaitlyn Russo and Brooke Yakkey had their work displayed at the Hillwood SAL Gallery from Dec. 20, 2013 through till the end of January 2014.  


The Art League of Long Island invited Advanced Placement artists to showcase their work the “Go APE” exhibition. This year 147 schools participated and Farmingdale’s Alecia Fuschetto, Kaitlyn Russo and Brooke Yakkey exhibited their work. Kaitlyn Russo was awarded the “Award of Excellence.” The AP Studio Art program is a rigorous course allowing high school students to pursue college level art while still in high school. Successful completion of either the 2-Dimensional Design Portfolio or the Drawing Portfolio can earn the student three college credits.  These exhibitions recognize the extraordinary talent and hard work of these AP art students. 


— Submitted by Fine Arts Director Rita Padden