A Spring sale of “gently used Attic Treasures” and “new items,” including jewelry, Mother’s Day gifts and children’s clothing will be held on Saturday, May 10, at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 12 Franklin Avenue.
Free parking on Saturdays is available at the LIRR lot on the west side of the station. The sale begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 3 p.m.
All new items are available at deeply discounted prices. There will also be a wide selection of potted plants suitable for Mother’s Day gifts and flats of summer annuals for gardens.
Girl Scout Troop 429 will be selling home-made baked goods. Proceeds from the baked goods are assigned to the congregation’s Paper & Personal Care Pantry, a ministry serving lower-income seniors and others in Port. Members of the troop strive to achieve “The Girl Scout Bronze Award,” the highest honor available to fourth and fifth grade Scouts.
As part of their program, the Scouts have brought paper and personal care items to seniors residing in the community.
The church building is handicap accessible. Look for the sign directing those in need to the street level elevator entrance. For more information about the sale or about the Paper & Personal Care Pantry, call 767-0603 or visit the congregation’s website, www.lutheranchurchportwashington.com.