A Friday Night Promenade-Seventh Street
During the summer months Seventh Street will be closed on Friday evenings so that residents and visitors can enjoy the “Friday Night Promenades”, from 6 until 10 p.m. The band Fivestone, (with music of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s) will be performing on Seventh Street, adding to another fun-filled summer evening.
I encourage residents and visitors to come down to Seventh Street to enjoy outdoor dining, live entertainment, face painting, balloon animals and much more. Shops will also remain open during the evening for your convenience.
This week, Queen Elsa will be on Seventh Street with her sister Anna.
2013 Government Finance Officers Association Award
We were pleased to learn from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada this week that the Village’s Comprehensive Annual Finance Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2013 earned a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in governmental accounting and financial reporting. This is the eighteenth consecutive year that the Village has received this national recognition. Special thanks are due to Village Auditor James Olivo and Deputy Village Treasurer Frank Kelly.
Aggressive Driving Enforcement Program
The Garden City Police Department is continuing its aggressive driving crackdown. Motorists are encouraged to use caution when changing lanes, unsafe lane changing is considered an aggressive driving violation, and is a very common cause of traffic accidents particularly during high volume times such as rush hour. Motorists should only enter another lane after carefully checking their surroundings and always use their signal when changing lanes or turning. In many cases, a vehicle weaving in and out of traffic is not directly involved in an accident but, causes other motorists to swerve out of the way, resulting in accidents with other vehicles.
In Preparation For Storms
PSEG of Long Island has some good information on its website with regard to storms and it is clear that the level of preparation before severe weather hits can determine the level of your comfort and safety after the storm. It is a good idea to think ahead and to be prepared so that if your basic services such as water, gas, electricity or telephones are cut off, you will have some basic items handy. Its Storm Center at www.psegliny.com/page.cfm/CustomerService/StormCenterhttp://www.lipower.org/stormcenter can help you before, during and after a power outage. PSEG suggests that the following items be on hand in your emergency supply kit:
• Battery-powered radio, extra batteries, flashlight and extra batteries
• First Aid Kit
• Whistle to signal for help
• Dust mask or cotton t-shirt to help filter the air
• Moist towelettes for sanitation
• Wrench or pliers to turn off burst water utilities
• Can opener for food
• Plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter-in-place
• Infant formula and diapers, if you have an infant
• Garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation
For more information about emergency preparedness and real-time outage data, visit their Storm Center above. Most importantly, if your power goes out, let PSEG know right away by phone 1-800-490-0075. If you or a family member depends upon life support equipment, register for its Critical Care Program by calling 1-800-490-0075. This does not guarantee priority during restoration efforts. Over the next few weeks, I will be including information in this column from PSEG of Long Island with regard to preparation for storms.
Board Of Trustees Summer Meeting Schedule
The next meeting of the board of trustees will be on Thursday, Sept. 18 at 8 p.m. in the boardroom at village hall. I encourage all residents to attend board of trustees meetings so as to be thoroughly informed of village issues from a first-hand perspective. I hope to see you at a board meeting.