
Facilities Tour To Educate You

I hope the new school year has gotten off to a great start for you and your family. As December approaches, I want to take this opportunity to check in to be sure you are aware of the proposed school district bond referendum that community members will be asked to consider on Wednesday, December 3rd. This proposal includes science classroom and lab renovations, music and art room relocation and reconfigurations, food service and cafeteria upgrades, Memorial Field renovations and district wide infrastructure repairs and updates. I encourage you to take the time to see the scope of these projects by participating on one of the “walking tours” or reviewing the facts provided by the district (enclosed).
In the spring, community members were invited to participate on a Long Term Facilities Planning Committee to identify and prioritize capital projects to meet the long-term needs of the district and its students. This independent group spent many hours identifying the scope of projects that they determined would most benefit our students. I understand that some of you may never have walked the halls of our school buildings and these walking tours will provide an opportunity to for you to see where the children spend so much of their day and to understand how the committee came to determine the projects proposed.
I feel that our public schools are the centerpiece of our community. The Long Term Facilities Planning Committee determined that the current available space limits educational opportunities for our students, and as voting members of this community, I implore you to evaluate the proposal to determine whether the proposed capital improvements are worthy of your support. I was a teacher in New York City and have had to deal with budget constraints determined by an administration that had never even entered our school district. We are so fortunate that we as a community get an opportunity to have our voice count. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and to make informed decisions.
To sign up online for a walking tour of the facilities, please go to the SCA website, www.manhassetsca.org and find the link or go to www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0945a8aa28a75-walking. Upcoming tours are scheduled for Tuesday, November 18th at 7:30 pm, Friday, November 21st at 12:00 pm and Tuesday, December 2nd at 11:15 am.
The Manhasset SCA encourages all eligible voters to get to the polls located in the High School Gym on Wednesday, December 3rd between 6:30am and 10:00pm. If you have any questions, Superintendent Charlie Cardillo is available at ccardillo@manhasset.k12.ny.us or you can contact the SCA Community Education Committee Chairpersons, Shauna Devardo (sdevardo@me.com) or Evan Mandery (ejmandery@gmail.com). Thank you in advance for taking the time to learn about the proposal and for voting on December 3rd.
Tricia Cash
SCA Executive President