
Editorial: The Holiday Spirit

Our overwhelming day-to-day duties can turn even the jolliest person into a Grinch. There are bills to pay, kids to carpool and a never-ending list of errands to run. Cars break down, meals get burnt and more often than we’d like, things don’t go the way we planned.

But that’s where the holiday season comes in. Suddenly, simple things become special again. Things like baking cookies, watching holiday movies, and spending time with family overshadow the problems of everyday life. Instead of focusing on all the things going wrong in our lives, it’s a time to stop and think about what’s right.  

While we should never turn a blind eye to the atrocities in our community, nation or the world, let’s allow ourselves to get caught up and swept away with the holiday spirit, instead of focusing on the little inconveniences in our relatively comfortable lives. Hopefully, those feelings of happiness, gratitude, and love can last a little longer than our New Year’s resolutions.