
When the Reconstructionist Synagogue of the North Shore (RSNS), which includes many Port Washington residents as members, decided to install a timeline of Jewish history it wasn’t a decorating decision. It was about teaching our synagogue school students about the history of their ancestors in a format their young students could understand. According to Rabbi Jodie Siff, RSNS Synagogue School Director, “Children don’t understand the concept of historical events until 5th or 6th grade.”
Since they are almost finished with synagogue school by that age, that wouldn’t leave a lot of time to teach them. The concept of a time line was born because, as Rabbi Siff explains, “research shows young children learn through visual imprinting. Our goal is to imprint the idea of Jewish history into students’ minds so they want to keep exploring it as they grow older.”

Brenner viewing the timeline with his teacher Miriam Miller
Brenner viewing the timeline with his teacher Miriam Miller

The entire RSNS clergy, which also includes Rabbi Lee Friedlander and Cantor Eric Schulmiller, as well as a long time synagogue school teacher Miriam Miller, collaborated on the timeline. Avoda Arts, a non-profit organization that advances the arts in Jewish education, supported this project, with its director Deb Krivoy leading the way. She worked alongside RSNS staff to come up with a list of events—religious, historical, political and pop culture–to include on the time line. Krivoy then hired a graphic designer to create this museum-quality piece of work. The final product consists of 8 panels that are each 5 feet by 3 feet. The public is welcome to come see the timeline during regular synagogue hours. Call 516-627-6274 to make an appointment.