
Plea For Trach Coach


Bruce MacDonald, track coach at Schreiber High School for 57 years, and former three-time Olympian in track, was rescued from his burning house Jan. 6. He sustained smoke inhalation injuries and has lost his house and all of his belongings.
Coach Mac, as he is known, has been a role model and icon for many in the Port Washington community and the track and field community.
“We are asking for everyone’s support to get Coach Mac back on his feet and into a new home,” said his step-daughter Karina King.Fire_011415A
The link in which donations can be made to help Coach MacDonald is: www.gofundme.com/BruceMacDonaldFire
Donations can also be made through the Port Washington Teachers Federal Credit Union, under the name of Bruce MacDonald. The credit union is at 101 Sands Point Rd. 516-883-1227.
If you would like to donate clothing, his sizes are:
Shoes: 13 wide
Pants: 35-34/medium
Shirts/jackets: large
Clothing bags may be dropped off at the Schreiber High School athletic office, 101 Campus Drive
For more information call: 516-767-5991.