
Is Your Car Safe In Mineola?

Nassau County Police patrol car
Nassau County Police patrol car

Brazen criminals in Mineola are keeping an eye on your automobile, even in your driveway or in front of your house.

According to police reports, there is an average of close to 50 reported car-related crimes spread throughout Nassau County each week, with many incidents occurring in residents’ driveways during the late night and early morning hours. From cars being ransacked for anything even slightly valuable to vandalism and even full-blown car thefts, the Nassau County Police Department is raising the public’s awareness to preventative measures they can take to keep their property safe and secure.

Since October 2014, five cars in Mineola have been broken into or stolen, according to Nassau County crime reports.

Mineola resident Lauren DeMasters awoke one morning in late October of last year to find her vehicle was ransacked, with her glove compartment open and Garmin GPS unit on her seat, she said. DeMasters found that her money/change purse was stolen.

“My center console was open, my glasses were on the other seat,” she said. “I had heard something the night before but thought it was an animal. My neighbor’s car was cracked open too.”

These crimes seem to be ones of opportunity—and with the county consolidating its precincts in 2012, those opportunities aren’t going away anytime soon.

For the full story and preventative measures, click here.

—Rich Forestano contributed to this story