
NCPD Sergeant Saves Dog, Man Submerged in Ice Water

A Nassau County police sergeant rescued a 68-year-old man who became submerged in chest-high ice water after attempting to retrieve his dog who ran onto an ice-covered lake in Massapequa Saturday afternoon, police said.

Police were called to Caroon Lake at 2 p.m., police said. The man, who was not identified, was attempting to rescue the dog after the pet ran about 20 feet onto the ice, police said. The victim eventually fell through the ice and was submerged up to his chest, police said.

The sergeant arrived and used a ladder as a crutch across the ice, police said. He was able to reach the man and pull him to safety. The dog, who police said was shivering, was also safely recovered.

The man was transported to a local hospital, where he was treated for hypothermia, police said.