at the children’s room in the Port Washington Library.
Meet Lesley Siegel. Anyone who frequents the children’s room at the Port Washington library has encountered Lesley at the center desk and has been greeted by her warm smile.
Or maybe you’ve been lucky enough to attend her story and sing time classes (many times standing room only!)
Actually, Lesley didn’t plan on becoming a children’s librarian years ago when she went back for her masters in library science (her background being in reference books).
But when Rachel Fox (who was also featured in the Port Washington News) offered her this part time job in the summer of 2008 she jumped at it. Now Lesley would never think of going anywhere else.
Lesley’s responsibilities are extensive. She does everything from record new books as they come in to organizing book clubs and story times. She also runs parent/child workshops and reader advisory programs.
While discussing her story time/sing-along classes she was noticeably excited. This she admitted is her favorite part of her job. She gets the opportunity to work with so many children from the community that are looking to explore and expand their literacy.
Also, Lesley watches so many of the parents engage with the new books and songs and then continue to use them as learning tools at home with their children.
In fact, there has been so much success with Lesley’s classes (just look at the parking lot on a Tuesday morning at 10:30) that she has begun to take the show on the road. She now has a business called “Miss Lesley’s Sing and Swing.” She holds classes outside of the library that are traditional story times, as well as movement classes and sensory story times.
In 1999, Lesley and her husband moved to Port from Brooklyn and she loves raising her three sons (ages 17, 14 and 11) here. She enjoys being able to walk to town, school, movies and, of course, the library.
“The library is the cultural hub of the community,” Lesley feels, showcasing fantastic musicians, speakers and artists. And with the proposed renovations to start in the fall for
the children’s room, Lesley is even more excited about what is to come.
She’s anticipating jaw dropping responses when people enter and non-stop discoveries. A real destination.
If you haven’t already experienced our treasure, the Port library, Lesley will be happy to show you all it has to offer. And if you’re looking for a few great books, Lesley suggests Sylvester and the Magic Pebble for your kids and for you without hesitation Crossing to Safety by Wallace Stegner.
Port is privileged to have such a fantastic library and librarian.