
theHicksvilleIllustratedNews.com Calendar

Model Train Exhibit

Feb. 21 – Feb. 22

Military Bridge

Sunday, Feb. 22

Seasonal Affective Disorders

Monday, Feb. 23

Saturday, Feb. 21 – Sunday, Feb. 22

Model Train Exhibit

Check out Trainville Hobby Depot’s N scale layout, Long Island HOTtrack modular layout and Long Island traction society gauge trolleys operating at the Broadway Mall. This community event is free. Saturday, Feb. 21 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 22 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information visit www.trainville.com

Sunday, Feb. 22

Military Bridge

Enjoy a card game, prizes, cake, coffee and tea at Msgr. Tarrant Hall, St. Ignatius Loyola Parish on East Nicholai St. in Hicksville. $10. 2 p.m. Walk-ins welcome, you can also reserve in advance by calling 516-433-7857.

Monday, Feb. 23

Seasonal Affective Disorders

There will be a discussion on seasonal affective disorders at Central Nassau Guidance and Counseling Services, 950 S. Oyster Bay Rd. Suite 102 in Hicksville. Medicaid billable for agency clients, $5 for family/all others. From 7 to 8 p.m. For more information call 516-822-6111.

Thursday, March 5

Germanic Genealogy Group

The German Genealogy Group will hold their monthly meeting. This month’s program will focus on “no vitals/no problem.” The meeting takes place at WIlliam M. Gouse Jr. VFW Post 3211, 320 S. Broadway in Hicksville. For more information email germangenealogygroup@yahoo.com or call 609-585-8653.