
theHicksvilleIllustratedNews.com Calendar

Flea Market

Saturday, May 9

Stamp Out Hunger

Saturday, May 9

Monday Movie Nights: Catholicism

Monday, May 11

Thursday, May 7

Germanic Genealogy Group

At this monthly meeting of the Germanic Genealogy Group, there will be a discussion on German research online. Learn about the many websites that can help you break down walls and find the origin of your ancestors. From 7 to 9:30 p.m. For more information email germangenealogygroup@yahoo.com or visit www.germangenealogygroup.com

Saturday, May 9

Flea Market

The Parkway Community Church will hold a flea market at 95 Stewart Ave., in Hicksville. to support the Hicksville Boys and Girls Club. From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., rain or shine. Craft and food vendors interested in renting space should contact the church office at 516-938-1233. Call Kelly at 516-263-0057 for more information.

Stamp Out Hunger

U.S. Postal service letter carriers across the country will visit homes and businesses across the country for the nation’s largest food drive. Long Islanders are being asked to set out non-perishable food by their mailboxes, which will then be picked up by their letter carriers while delivering the day’s mail. The letter carriers will then deliver their collected food to an Island Harvest warehouse—where an army of volunteers will sort food to be distributed to Island Harvest’s network of member agencies, including food pantries and soup kitchens throughout Long Island.

Monday, May 11

Monday Movie Nights: Catholicism

Ten-episode film series narrated by Father Robert Barron that tells the story of the Catholic faith through art, history and travel. One stand-alone episode shown on consecutive Mondays through June 15 (excluding May 25). Final five episodes to continue later in the year. Hosted by Catholic Daughters of the Americas. At St. Ignatious Loyola Parish in Hicksville.

Friday May 15

Eyes of Learning Lecture

Eyes of Learning will be hosting Joseph Gargano for “Out of the Mouth of Babes—Unadulterated Accounts of Children’s Memories of Past Lives.” This presentation will offer case studies of worldwide reports over the last half century of young children who have made claims of detailed past life memories. No pre-registration required. $10 for members; $15 for non-members. 8 p.m. At Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Pkwy., Hicksville.

Saturday, May 16

Road Rally and Dinner

The Kiwanis Club of Levittown is hosting a road rally and dinner. The road rally is a navigational challenge along a predetermined course that combines the elements of time and observation. Each competing team is given directions in the form of clues. You are permitted to use a GPS, maps, smartphones, etc. Followed by an awards ceremony, dinner and raffles. You can participate in the rally,the dinner or both. The cost of dinner with start up raffles is $35; children 11 o 15 are $10; ages 6 to 10 are $5. Children under age 5 are free. Entrance fee for the road rally is $25. At Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Pkwy. in Hicksville from 1 to 10 p.m. To register or find out more email levittownkiwanisny@gmail.com  or call 516-455-7854.

Defensive Driving Class

Parkway Community Church, at 95 Stewart Ave. in Hicksville, will be holding a Defensive Driving Class at 8 a.m. through Liberty Mutual Insurance Co. The cost is $22 per person. Class size is limited. Contact the church office at 516-938-1233 for more information or to register.

Sunday, May 17

Blood Drive

Boy Scout Patrick Harten from Hicksville will be holding a blood drive at the American Legion Hall, 10 Washington St. in Bethpage. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Blood donations can help save up to three lives. To be eligible to donate blood, you must bring ID with signature or photo, be a minimum of 110 pounds and between the ages of 16 and 75. For questions about eligibility call 1-800-688-0900.

Tuesday, May 19

Budget Vote and Election

Vote for the Hicksville School District’s proposed budget and the two open trustee seats. Polls are open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Board of Education Meeting

The Hicksville School District Board of Education will have a meeting at 8:30 p.m.