
Charles de Leon’s Port Memory

Longtime Port resident Charles B. de Leon, Jr., sent in a newspaper clipping accompanied by this memory of his youth:

“I went to summer camp sponsored by Louie’s Restaurant back in the late 40s to early 50s. We learned how to take care of rowboats learned how to row, swim, fish and anchor a boat. At the time there was no Town Dock; it was all shoreline and we used all that area. If I am not mistaken I think the camp ran from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. from July through August. I guess there were about 25 to 30 kids.”

Charles de Leon, Jr., and his camp friends in 1948.

ALL SAFE. Spotting three boatloads of youngsters on the bay at about 11 a.m., the patrol must investigate. Jack Crampton, superintendent of beaches and harbor patrol, sighted the youngsters. Patrol found that all were under competent guidance and sitting in correct places in the boats. Below, Skipper Kaelin watches pretty Ellen Bart gas up the patrol boat at noon.