
Project The Night Presents The Rocky Horror Picture Show

RockyHorror102115Project the Night presents The Rocky Horror Picture Show Halloween Show, at Port Washington Cinemas, on Oct. 31, at 11:30 p.m., featuring a live shadowcast and a full audience participation experience. The show will include a costume contest, complete with Rocky Horror Picture Show-themed prizes, a preshow “virgin” ceremony and a live cast. Prop bags will be on sale before the show. Arrive ready to “Time Warp.”

The live performers will bring the film to life while encouraging audience participation, including yelling callbacks, throwing props and dancing along to the film. Tickets are available at Port Washington Cinemas, 116 Main St., 516-883-6464, and online at www.bowtiecinemas.com/locations/port-washington-cinemas. Tickets are $11.25.

“Project the Night is bringing a unique Rocky Horror experience to Long Island with Rocky HorrorWeen 2015,” said Greg Mergruen, producer of Project the Night. “It’s an experience that will leave you wanting more.”

“We want the audience to have as much fun watching as we are performing,” said Megan McFly, director of Project the Night.

For more information about Project the Night, an up-and-coming shadowcast on Long Island, visit www.projectthenight.tumblr.com or email projectthenight@gmail.com.