
Veterans Honored

JGP,JA-AMVETS Post 88 Massapequa-Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony

Oyster Bay Town Councilman Joseph G. Pinto (third from left) and Town Clerk James Altadonna Jr. (left) recently attendeJGP,JA-AMVETS Post 88 Massapequa-Annual Flag Retirement Ceremonyd Tobay Beach to pay respect during the American Veterans Post 88 Massapequa Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony. The flag is pictured being ceremonially buried to symbolize all of the flags that were retired from service on that day after years of serving our nation as a symbol of hope and freedom. Councilman Pinto and Town Clerk Altadonna are joined by the members of American Veterans Post 88 Massapequa in saluting their nation’s flag as it is retired from service.