Sept. 15 was the opening date of the 2015-16 Mineola Leisure Club meetings. New members were welcomed into the club and joined the old stalwarts who returned happily after the summer hiatus. After introductions were completed and everyone settled in, the year started off with a Bingo game. Everyone was given a list of the agenda which covered meetings and activities until year’s end. These introductory months had several speakers address the group, some special events, business meetings, a holiday party, and three trips.
Business meetings followed the usual procedures that informed the membership of the workings of the club and also included the observance of member birthdays and anniversaries. These celebrants were given raffle tickets for a $10 gift certificate to King Kullen to be presented to a birthday winner and an anniversary winner. At one of these meetings club members participated in a cleverly designed duck race and wagered on a favorite duck. An unusual activity took place at another meeting when there was an auction of ceramic dogs from a collection that was given to the Club. The ornamental ceramic dogs were in the form of table displays, Christmas ornaments, and paper weights.
Three weeks in a row there were speakers who addressed the group about issues of great importance. Charles Berman, receiver of taxes for the Town of North Hempstead, spoke at length about the STAR program and the Enhanced STAR program which affects all homeowners. Club Members had an opportunity to speak with him and his assistants who explained the two tax saving programs to them. Another topic that was well received by the group covered pertinent information regarding medications and their effects. Pharmacists Brendan Van Slyke and Anna Jamil gave a comprehensive talk accompanied by a slide show. At a later date the last speaker to address the club was Mayor Scott Strauss who gave an update on the status of Mineola. In his talk, he discussed the growth of the village, apartment construction and its expected effect on the village, road improvements and the imminent completion of the bandstand at Memorial Park.
There were three trips that were offered to club members during this period of time. The yearly trip to the beautiful Woodloch Pines Resort took place during the week of Oct.13. Among those who participated return visits were made by many who go on the trip year after year attesting to the wonderful time that is had by all. A gambling excursion to the Sands Casino in Bethlehem, PA. offered a different type of fun for those who woo Lady Luck. As usual there were winners and losers. The third trip offered to club members was a lovely day at the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse in New Jersey. Upon arrival the seniors were able to sample some of the baked goods en route to the dining room where they sat down to a full luncheon. A separate room, loaded with every kind of dessert was opened at the end of the luncheon. Repeat trips to the bountiful desserts were encouraged by the wait staff. Shortly after this, club members settled in and enjoyed a delightful comedy called “Social Security.” These three trips appealed to a diverse group of seniors.
Halloween table parties at the Village Hall Community Center rounded out the activities scheduled for September and October. Members brought in all kinds of goodies which enhanced the Pizza Party given by the Club. A few of the seniors were outfitted in costumes that won prizes for their originality. Joe Gargiulio’s music added to the festivities as some members danced and even entertained the group with singing performances. It was a nice way to end the first two months of the 2015-16 season.