
Soccer Coaches Wanted For Local Travel Team

soccergcThe Garden City Centennial Soccer Club is looking for qualified coaches to head its new U10 teams that will tryout in June 2016. The birth dates for the children on these teams will fall between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2007.

League play for these teams will begin in September 2016. Anyone interested in these positions would need to be available to run practices in the summer, begin with tournaments in August, be able to attend practices/games at least two times a week during the school year and be able to commit themselves and their teams for several tournaments during the year. A good candidate for this position will have good knowledge of all aspects of soccer and must be able to share the love of the game with elementary school aged children. The commitment is great but the rewards are greater.

If you are interested in these positions, please contact Sandra Young at sandramyoung@msn.com. An interest sheet will then be mailed to you that must be returned by March 18 in order to be considered.

—Submitted by the Garden City Recreation Department