As I think about the future of our school district, having a child in second grade and reading that our school district has been classified as “susceptible to stress,” I wonder what the future will bring to my child and the many other children who still have to make a long journey through this system. A journey that will pass very quickly and therefore does not allow anyone to sit back and continue year after year debating how are we going to make ends meet.
I don’t want to minimize the very good things that are happening in our schools and the hard work and dedication of many staff members, but I know that there are many areas where we can improve as a district.
As a school administrator, I have worked with teachers and parents to improve the education of children.
For example, we have empowered all our students with access to their teachers’ electronic gradebook to see their grades in real time.
We are in the process of training teachers to bring coding to the middle school with our new Wearable Electronics course. Every change we instituted required vision and leadership.
Dave Sattinger for trustee has the vision and leadership to inspire his colleagues not to be afraid, to be bold and imaginative and to have the passion to fight the good fight, which is to deliver the needed educational programs all our children deserve.
This is why I ask you to join me and support Dave Sattinger on May 17.
—Rose Borda, EdD