
In Support Of Karen Sloan

In my capacity as founder of HEARTS, a local community organization dedicated to children’s educational enrichment, and as a member of the community committee for the school facilities bond project, I have had extensive interactions in recent years with the Port Washington School District and the BOE. During that time, all of my experiences with BOE President Karen Sloan have been extremely positive.

Karen led the effort to ensure the school facilities bond initiative process was transparent, inclusive and focused on the needs of the children in our community far into the future.

Under Karen’s leadership over the past seven years, the school board secured much-needed funding to improve our school facilities to accommodate the needs of our community and our children into the future.

I have attended several school board meetings and have always admired Karen’s patience, openness to feedback and dedication to reaching the right decisions for the students in the district. As a parent of two high school students who have grown up attending Port schools, I appreciate the current board’s work to provide an educational environment where the children of our community can thrive.

Karen Sloan has earned my confidence that her clear vision, capabilities, experience and judgment are exactly what our community needs to continue to be recognized as a top-performing school district.

I urge you to join me and vote for Karen Sloan and vote yes for the upcoming school budget on May 17.

—Damon Gersh, Founder and Chairman HEARTS