
Kiwanis Club Offers Fun-Filled Fiesta

The Kiwanis Club of Farmingdale held its second annual Spring Festival last month on the Green at Stop & Shop in Farmingdale.
The festival offered food, children’s rides, craft sales, entertainment, raffles a Field of Honor with 150 flags dedicated to those who serve or in memoriam. There was a new event this year: a classic and custom car show organized by NY Autofest of Long Island.
The club sends less fortunate children to summer camp, runs food drives for the local food pantry and assists local families who need help. It supports 100 Farmingdale High School
Key Club children and provides scholarships to Farmingdale High School seniors, honors veterans and local community heroes.
For more information about Kiwanis, club events, joining the club, or visiting a meeting, contact President Georgiana Sena at Kiwanisfarmingdale@gmail.com, and visit facebook.com/Farmingdalekiwanis.
—Submitted by the Kiwanis Club of Farmingdale