
Events 6/22 – 6/30

The Levittown Public Library is located at 1 Bluegrass Lane, Levittown. Call 516-731-5728 or visit www.levittownpl.org for more information.
The Island Trees Public Library is located at 38 Farmedge Rd., Levittown. Call 516-731-2211 or visit www.islandtreespubliclibrary.org for more information.

Wednesday, June 22

Learn how to send, receive, forward and reply to email. Then, learn how to attach files and download. Prerequisites: computer kindergarten and computer first-grade. Must register. From 1 to 3 p.m. in the ITPL community room.

Thursday, June 23

Maria Regina Family Carnival
The Maria Regina family carnival kicks off on June 23 and runs through June 26. The carnival will offer more than 25 midway games and rides, live music, raffles, food and fun for all ages. Entertainment includes the themes of Parish Night, Celebrate the ‘60s, Italian Night and Celebrate America. Dance and karate studios, talent from Maria Regina School, several bands and singers, as well as the National Guard, The Tappan Zee Bridgemen and a fire department chili cook-off are scheduled. Maria Regina is located at 3945 Jerusalem Ave., Seaford.

Summer Reading Volunteers
The ITPL Children’s Room needs volunteers ages 10 and up to help process reports and give out prizes to children. Today is the last day to register. Anyone interested can sign up in the Children’s Room.

Summer Reading Kickoff: iGame4 Fitness Program
The ITPL will host iGame 4 in the Karopcyzc Gym for ages 5 and up. Visit different gaming stations and move. Register for the 6 or 7 p.m. session.

Friday, June 24

Island Trees Graduation
Congratulations to the gradating Class of 2016 from Island Trees High School.

Playdate Fridays: Free Play DayLibraryCal_062216B
Visit the ITPL library every Friday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to see what fun the ITPL community room has in store. No registration required, all ages welcome.

Saturday, June 25

Learn to play chess from a member of the Long Island Industrial Chess League. Experienced players are also welcome. $8 for 8 classes. Contact Marilyn Adamo at 516-731-2211 or email madamo@islandtreespublic
library.org for information. From 10 a.m. to noon in the community room at the ITPL.

Monday, June 27

Art Meet Up
Come to the ITPL community room from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for an art meetup.
Tuesday, June 28

Library Board of Trustees Meeting
The library board of trustees will meet from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the ITPL community room. All is welcome.

Wednesday, June 29

Donate Blood
Donate blood at the ITPL from 1:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Speed Around Long Island Networking Event and Fundraiser
Presented by AAM Networking Group, come enjoy a fundraiser. Proceeds will go to The Hair We Share. From 6:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Karopczyc Gym, 74 Farmedge Rd., Levittown. Cost is $20 for members and $30 for nonmembers. Payments will not be accepted at the door. Must register by emailing aamnetworkinggroup@gmail.com. A raffle donation is required for each person attending. Finger foods and soft drinks will be available and all guest will receive a complimentary glass of wine or punch.
Thursday, June 30

Teen Summer Reading Celebration: Blast From the Past
Join in celebrating Summer 2016 and the LPL annual Teen Summer Reading Program with games and crafts from your childhood, including life-sized Guess Who? From 6:30 to 8 p.m.


Division Avenue Baseball Personal Instruction Camp
From July 11-15 for 6-9 year olds from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; July 18-22 for 10-12 year olds from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and July 25-29 for 13-15 year olds from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. All camps will be held at Division Avenue High School. Cost is $135 per session and all campers will receive a Division baseball camp t-shirt. On the day of the camp, bring the following: baseball gear (no shorts), cleats, sneakers (inclement weather), drinks and snacks. Contact Tom Tuttle at 516-385-0510 for a form and registration. Make check payable to Levittown Diamond Club (Fressle), 220 Division Ave., Levittown, NY 11756.


LPL Adult Summer Reading Program
Registration is through July 22. The theme this summer is “Exercise Your Mind. Read!” Registrants will receive a prize upon registration and another prize after reviews are submitted for three books. All reading materials are acceptable. Book reviews will be accepted through Aug. 19. The program ends Aug. 25, with an End of Summer Reading Program Party from 7 to 8:30 p.m., with refreshments, prize drawings, discussions and a guest author.

June Exhibits at the LPL
Ruth Lawrence oil paintings and Garvies Point Museum display cases.