
Day Camps Banned From Manorhaven

manorhavenpoolI do not know if you have been sent the information or have anyone reporting on the Town banning day camps from the Manorhaven Pool, but I wanted to pass along some information sent to parents of children at the Port Washington Children’s Center.

Matthew Kepke

Notification from: Port Washington Children’s Center

Dear Families,

Today we were informed by Jill Weber, Town of North Hempstead Commissioner of Parks and Recreation, that the town has revoked the permits of all camps for the Manorhaven Pool. The commissioner has made this decision based on complaints from residents about the pool being closed several times this summer due to feces found in the pool. Several other camps as well as moms & dads with children were at the pool on these occasions as well. The town allows children in diapers into the pool and does not check that the child is actually wearing a “swim” diaper.

The town has suggested that the camps utilize the Whitney Pond Pool. This pool complex is in very poor condition as well as not sanitary. Not an option.

The Port Washington Children’s Center has been swimming at the Manorhaven Pool for nearly 2 decades and have NEVER had an issue. We pride ourselves in a high quality program.

Due to this decision, for the remainder of the camp session the children will be limited to participating in water play on premises.

Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth has agreed with Commissioner Weber on this decision. I am asking you to reach out to both Supervisor Judi Bosworth and Commissioner Jill Weber in regard to this unacceptable revoking of our permit to use the Manorhaven Pool. You can reach them at:

Supervisor Judi Bosworth                             Commissioner Jill Weber
Phone: 516-869-7700                                 Phone: 516-739-3058
Email: bosworthj@northhempstead.com       weberj@northhempsteadny.gov

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or suggestions you may have. I can be reached at the Center, 516-883-4864 or via email: dpreminger@pwchildrenscenter.org .