
I Believe In Students

BobWolf_ABCollege & career skills readiness trainer

1.  I believe in every student’s ability to learn five essential skills that prepare them to confidently transition from school to business. School is about me…my grades, test scores, class rank and activities. Business is about we; what we do with other people in order to be effective, successful and happy.

2.  I believe in every student’s ability to learn how to earn support from and work effectively with people, the one constant they will encounter in any job, type of work and as they navigate their career path.

3.  I believe in every student’s ability to gain experience and knowledge in what they’re interested in at any time in their life and use that experience and knowledge to earn a living.

4.  I believe in every student’s ability to discover what they’re really good at and enjoy doing to earn a living. When they discover this is up to each student.

5.  I believe in every student’s ability to accomplish whatever goals they set for themselves. It is possible that their goals can change during their career.

6.  I believe in every student’s ability to learn from each experience they have in their life.

7.  I believe in every student’s ability to realize that their dreams can come true once they learn how to harness the “POP” in business…the Power Of People.

8.  I believe in every student’s ability to overcome challenges they encounter in their life when they learn to ask for help, advice and support from people.

9.  I believe in every student’s ability to understand the importance of their career path, which is being adaptable, resilient and confident.

10.  I believe in every student’s ability understand HOPE OBO in their life; Optimism, Belief [in themselves] and Opportunity [which they identify and/or create and take advantage of].

11.  I believe that every student’s grades and test scores in high school and college are not the only determining factors to their being happy and successful in life.

12.  I believe that every student may not know what their career path will be while they’re in high school or even college. Most students today will have 12-15 jobs (Bureau of Labor Statistics), during their career, nor do they realize that a career is one’s progress through life, or in a particular vocation. Students who understand this have less stress about what their career will be while they’re in school.

13.  I believe every student should understand the seven ways to become educated: school, reading, working, technology, talking with people, observing people and a combination of these. Taking advantage of each one is important.

14.  I believe that every student should understand that graduating from high school and college is important. They also need to understand that there are other factors which contribute to their being successful in the real world.

15.  I believe that students who experience problems and difficulties in school are not destined to be a failure after they leave school. It is important that they understand this.

16.  I believe that students must understand that they can go to college, junior college or trade school at any time in their life.

17.  I believe that students must understand that their education takes place all through their life; education doesn’t stop once they leave school.

18.  I believe that every student must realize that success in life is based upon many factors, one of which is their ability to develop, build and sustain relationships with people who believe in them, see their potential and give them inspiration, motivation, challenges, encouragement and advice.

19.  I believe that every student in high school, grammar and middle school needs to learn first impression, interpersonal, communication, presentation and selling skills and why these skills are so important in life. Students with these skills are prepared to meet and earn support from and work effectively with people, the one constant in any job, type of work and career.

20.  I believe that every student must understand that as they grow, these five skills will grow with them, becoming more refined over time.

21.  I believe that every student must realize that these five skills give them a competitive edge in their life.

22.  I believe that every student must realize that these five skills help build their self-confidence and self-esteem.

23.  I believe that every student must understand that they need both technology skills and these five skills (i.e. HOPE Skills) in order to be effective and successful in their life.

24.  I believe that students must realize that a job is Just Opportunity Beginning to learn many things, and that there are no unimportant jobs.

25.  I believe in every student’s ability to be a productive, contributing member of society.
I strive to make a positive difference in every student’s life by being ME and sharing My Experience, My Encouragement, My Enthusiasm and My Energy with them and my belief in them.

BobWolfColumnistBob Wolf is founder of HOPE: The Students’ Bridge To Business and the HOPE Skills Program. Visit the HOPE Skills YouTube channel or www.hopeskills.com for more information.