
My Port Washington

Louie PortWhile Port Washington is home to the sounds of the Manhasset Bay sloshing against the Town Dock, the hustle and bustle of Main Street and bright pink sunsets seen from an outside table at Louie’s Oyster Bar and Grill, the community agrees that these sounds and sights are just a few of the reasons to love Port Washington. Residents from the Co-President of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce Mitch Schwartz to Superintendent of Port Washington Public Schools Kathleen Mooney share what they love most about Port, agreeing that the supportive community is the best part about their hamlet.

Nancy Curtin, Director of Port Washington Public Library

NancyCurtin 720x1024 1“There are so many things to love about Port Washington, but the one that impresses me the most is the community-minded outlook of its residents. There is an overwhelming sense of love for the town, of wanting to keep its character but also constantly improve, and of wanting the best for neighbors and future generations.

Catipillar“At the library, we’re about to open our brand-new Jackie and Hal Spielman Children’s Library, a top-to-bottom redesign of our most heavily-used space. The outpouring of community support has been stunning. The project is largely funded by private donations and grants. As with so many things in town, it shows that Port thinks about and invests in its future. As a library director, being part of such a tightly-knit and generous community is a dream come true.”

Kathleen Mooney, Superintendent of Port Washington Public Schools

KathleenMooney“I love Port Washington because of the community’s ‘can do’ attitude. This is particularly evident in our schools. The families and children we serve embody the caring, respect, fellowship and philanthropic spirit that defines the heart of the Port Washington community.”

Mindy GermainMindy Germain, Executive Director of Residents For A More Beautiful Port Washington

“I love Port Washington because the people are so kind, interesting and devoted to community.”

Mariann Dalimonte, Executive Director of the Greater Port Washington Business Improvement District

MariannDalimonte“One of my favorite memories as a child in Port Washington was skating on Mill Pond with my friends after school. One of the local restaurants on cold days used to bring out hot chocolate for everyone to enjoy.”

Mitch Schwartz, Co-President of the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce

MitchSchwartz 2“In addition to the obvious things, like the beauty of the sunsets from the town dock, the many parks and facilities for both kids and adults, I love Port Washington because of the way we come together when needed, whether for a major crisis or for all the little things that are always going on. I’m thinking of Our Lady of Fatima outreach, the Community Chest, other local organizations, the countless gift certificates and auction items donated by businesses to the various charities and organizations in town.

“I’m thinking of the group that after Sandy, when their own homes were without power and heat, formed a group, the Port Washington Crisis Relief Team, that came together to help others in need, and still exists to help mitigate the effects of any future events. I’m thinking of how, unlike in so many other places, Democrats and Republicans can work together to make our community a better place.”

Debbie Greco Cohen of Greco Integrated Communications

DebbieGrecoCohen“Having grown up in Port Washington, I have two favorite childhood memories. One was going to Fico’s on Avenue A with a dime and walking out with a small brown paper bag filled with penny candy. Yes, I got 10 pieces of candy for a dime! The other was going to Hempstead Harbor Beach before it was developed to dig for steamer clams with my dad. I know I’m revealing my age with these two memories, but they’re worth it!”

Julie Meer Harnick, Executive Director of the Community Chest of Port Washington

JulieMeerHarnick“I did not grow up here and yet I love Port Washington as if I had. Port is a small town (slightly more than 5,000 families), but it’s heart is extraordinarily large.

“Its residents are not only friendly—saying hello at every opportunity, they also care for and about their neighbors. We do have a beautiful waterfront, great schools and a great train line; all that makes living here attractive. But what makes Port special for me is the kindness of its residents; the willingness of so many to reach out and lift the burdens of their fellow Port Washingtonians.”

Edward A.K. Adler, Mayor of the Village of Sands Point

Edward AK Adler“I love Port because of its natural beauty, its proximity to NYC for those of us with careers there, and its diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints about most everything. All agree, though, that Port is a wonderful place to live and raise a family.”

Francine Frede, former senior vice president, Advertising Director at the New York Daily News and master gardener at Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County

FrancineFrede“I love Port Washington and it’s beautiful town dock and peaceful water views on the Bay Walk. I know how fortunate I am to say it is my home. Port Washington is perfectly situated for happy and easy living. There’s beauty all around. Our town is diverse, family friendly, clean and caring. We have excellent schools and services. We enjoy great shopping, boating, parks and restaurants, entertainment at the Landmark, movies and music on the bay, and the restorative powers of the Sands Point Preserve.

“For many years I commuted to Manhattan for work; grateful for the ease of it, breathing a sigh of relief pulling into the station each evening, home. And now that I’m retired, I appreciate our town even more—relaxing in our library overlooking the bay, lunching and shopping around town, enjoying the sight of my neighbors’ lovely homes and gardens. As a master gardener, I’m working on a native plant garden at the Manorhaven Preserve, a beautiful community project and another thing to love about Port Washington. I feel truly blessed to live here.”