
New Alert Juniors Sworn In And Honored

Alert Chief Steve Schwartz (far right) swears in the new officers (from left): Financial Secretary Ethan Moezinia, Recording Secretary Niki Talledo, Second Lieutenant Maya Garfinkel, First Lieutenant Julia Motchkavitz and Captain Seth Newman.

The Junior Firefighters of the Great Neck Alert Fire Company recently held their annual dinner and meeting, as well as their officer elections for the new year.

Newly elected officers for 2018, Captain Seth Newman, First Lieutenant Julia Motchkavitz, Second Lieutenant Maya Garfinkel, Financial Secretary Ethan Moezinia and Recording Secretary Niki Talledo, were sworn in by Alert Chief Steve Schwartz.


From left: Ex-Captain David Oginski, who was honored for his hard work, dedication and service to the Alert Junior Firefighters, is with the newly elected Captain Seth Newman.

During the dinner, outgoing Captain David Oginski was honored for his hard work, dedication and extraordinary service to the Alert Junior Firefighters program. Oginski, a sophomore at Great Neck South High School, joined the Alert Juniors in 2014 and served as first lieutenant from 2015 to 2016 and then as captain from 2016 to 2017.