
Rewilding Port Marketplace

As residents strolled down Valley Road on March 31, they were able to stop by the Rewilding Port Washington Marketplace and Indigenous Egg Decorating event put on by Full STEAMM Ahead, an independent, nonprofit organization whose objectives are to provide and support STEAMM-based events for all residents of Port Washington and its surrounding areas and to encourage and foster the love of the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, the arts, mathematics and mindful meditation. The marketplace will run every Saturday except for April 21 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with children’s programs from 2 to 4 p.m. until May 12 at the Wharehouse located at 26 Valley Rd. (Cross Street-Avenue A), Port Washington.

The multifaceted child-friendly event at The Wharehouse will have indigenous egg decorating taught by Wild Child Organic Artist Antonia Fthanakis, Port Washington Rocks, a Gardening 101 Clinic taught by expert horticulturist Tanya Clusener, who will be available to answer questions regarding gardening in the shade, drought tolerant landscaping and butterfly garden design and the President of the Port Washington Monarch Butterfly Alliance, David Jakin, who will engage residents in a variety of games utilizing sensory bins. Also at the event will be Magic of Pure Essential Ouls, where residents could experience scents like lavender, lemon and peppermint, a spring flower arranging demonstration and a plant sale featuring holiday centerpieces, edible native trees and more.

All proceeds from the event were donated to the Growing Love Community Garden in Manorhaven, which seeks to build a resilient community where neighbors grow, share and eat their own food. For more information on Growing Love Community Garden, visit www.growinglovepw.com. For more information on Full STEAMM Ahead, visit www.fullsteammahead.org.