
Bishop Coyle Celebrates Confirmation

ConfirmationBy Eileen Symmons

Auxiliary Bishop Robert J. Coyle came home to St. Mary’s to celebrate the Confirmation of 159 young parishioners and students of St. Mary’s Elementary School during two afternoon Masses. Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo, the pastor of the Church of Saint Mary, opened the celebration by saying, “Bishop, we welcome you today with great joy. Our young people were so excited to have one of their own as a bishop, and that excitement began today as we welcome home one of our own.” Bishop Coyle was a parishioner for several years and proudly graduated from St. Mary’s High School in 1982.

Each service was filled with many family members and friends attending to witness these young Catholics step forward to receive the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.

“Today we are gathered for a very important event in the life of our young people, to be strengthened for them in the sacrament of Confirmation,” said Bishop Coyle.

Reflecting on his days in the Seminary, Bishop Coyle spoke of the teachings of a fellow priest and instructor who always taught how important it was to stay close to God. And a side of that was to have joy in our lives, no matter what the circumstances. Bishop Coyle stressed how important it is for everyone to have joy in their lives. “Of course, our young people today are joyful because they put a lot of preparation into today’s Mass, today’s celebration, a lot of years of preparation. And, today we will complete what we began several years ago through Baptism.”

Rev. Fr. Robert A. Romeo, the pastor, concelebrated the Mass, along with Fr. Jiha Lim, chaplain of The Schools of Saint Mary, and Fr. Jude Dioka, parochial vicar.