Church of Our Saviour, Lutheran continues the Lenten themes of “Sacrifice and Service” in their worship services by inviting guest speakers each week.
Diane Kelly of LSS New Life Center explained the various programs offered to recipients referred by Social Services and clergy. Kelly has proudly chaired the “New Baby Program” for 18 years and has attended the annual Ruth Circle baby showers for many of those years. New items are assembled by volunteers into a layette box and topped with a handmade blanket for the baby and presented to the new mother.
The entire congregation, including a visiting minister from Minnesota, participated in celebrating the successful baby shower during a special coffee hour.
Church of Our Saviour also collects school supplies every August for NLC’s “Back Pack Program” benefiting needy school children.
Food donations from churches, organizations and LI Cares fill NLC’s pantry shelves for needy Long Island families. Holiday dinner donations as well as those for summer months, when children are not in school, are much needed additions to the pantry shelves. Volunteer opportunities at NLC are available.
For information call the church office 516-627-2430 or visit