
A Full Day To Celebrate Pride In Port

GeneralRelease A
Representatives of Pride in Port committee and sponsors at Landmark Park. Front row, from left: Debbie Greco Cohen, Residents Forward’s Mindy Germain, PW Senior Center’s Linda Livio, Karen DeLillo and Chamber of Commerce’s Bobbie Polay. Back row, from left: Wright Music’s Jonathan Watkins, Zimbardi Financial’s Daryl Zimbardi, Home Run Electric’s Joe Di Bartolomeo, PBA’s Steven Cammer and Bill Zwerlein, Weber HSA’s Mat Lanfant and Knights of Columbus Columbiette Rita DiLucia. Middle row, from left: PW Dental’s Lynette D’Costa, Residents Forward’s Melissa Visicchio and Blanca Fabian, Committee Co-Chairs Barbara Faticone and Fred Pollack, NYS Assemblyman Tony D’Urso, Dejana Foundation Grant Administrator Jim Avena, Town Councilwoman Dina De Giorgio, Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty’s Bonnie Doran, County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, Ayhan’s Restaurants Ayhan Hassan, Mainly Marketing Marie Marcellino and Business Improvement District’s Mariann Dalimonte, who is also the 2018 Pride in Port Community honoree.

On Saturday, Sept. 29, the 30th annual Pride in Port celebration will begin at 9 a.m. and will continue until 11 p.m. The day’s event lineup begins with the annual Hall of Fame ceremony and breakfast, which starts at 9 a.m. in Schreiber High School’s cafeteria. Each year, Schreiber alumni who excelled in one or more sports are honored. This year’s inductees are Robin (Beil) Mansfield (1976), Robert Moore (1967), John Nahas (1979), John Wade (1986) and Susan (Graser) Weiss (1998).

The parade, which begins at 11:30 a.m., demonstrates tremendous community pride through participation by nearly every Port Washington school and many local organizations.

The parade starts at Main Street near Belleview Avenue and ends on Campus Drive. This year’s Grand Marshal is Residents Forward, an organization that has focused on improving the quality of life in many ways in Port Washington for 50 years.

Soon after the parade ends on Campus Drive, Family Fun Day begins at 12:30 p.m. with various activities, including a homecoming football game at 1:30 p.m., halftime inductee ceremony and more. A luncheon honoring all senior citizens will be held in the Schreiber cafeteria starting at 12:30 p.m. No reservations are needed and the Town of North Hempstead is providing bus transportation from the Port Washington Senior Citizens Center parking lot to the parade and senior luncheon, then back to the center at about 2 p.m.
At 7 p.m., the annual dinner dance kicks off at the Polish-American Hall. Lifelong Port Washington resident Mariann Dalimonte has been selected as the 2018 Community Honoree because of her tireless devotion to many organizations and events through the year.

Dozens of local restaurants generously donate food for the cocktail hour and dinner.

Entertainment features performances by Encore and there will be dozens of great raffle prizes. Dinner Dance tickets can be purchased in advance for $35 per person on eventbrite.com (search Pride in Port), at the Chamber of Commerce building, 329 Main St. (516-883-6566) or by calling 516-661-5360 or 516-883-6693. The event often sells out, but if there are still seats available, tickets can be purchased at the door for $40 per person.

Visit the Pride in Port group Facebook page or call 516-883-6566 for more information.

Thank You To Our Sponsors

The Pride in Port committee wishes to thank all sponsors for their generosity. Their donations help offset costs of the day’s events so more college scholarships can be awarded to graduating seniors at the end of the 2017-2018 school year. Special thanks to Diamond Angel sponsors The Peter & Jeri Dejana Family Foundation and the Town of North Hempstead for their extensive and continuous generous support over the years. Golden Angel sponsor is Precision Work. Angel sponsor is Anton Community Newspapers and Pierce Coach Lines. Benefactor sponsors are Blank Slate Media, Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty, S.F. Falconer’s Florist, Port Washington Calendar and the Port Washington Fire Department. Patron sponsors are Austin F. Knowles, Inc., Funeral Home, Ayhan’s Shish Kebab, Baker Air, Town Councilwoman Dina De Giorgio and Joseph D’Alonzo, NYS Assemblyman Anthony D’Urso, Home Run Electric, Maura Bros. & Co., NYS Senator Elaine Phillips, Fred L. Pollack, Port Washington PBA, Sherwin-Williams Paint Store and The Zimbardi Family. Friend sponsors are Anthony’s World of Floors, C2 Education, Nassau County Legislator Delia DeRiggi-Whitton, Gino’s Pizza & Restaurant, Deborah Kleimna-Cindrich, DC, Knights of Columbus & Columbiettes, Lions Club of Port Washington, Port Washington Dental, Residents Forward, Sons of Italy – John M. Marino Lodge No. 1389 and Wright Music. Supporter sponsors are Kenneth S. Magida, Esq., Parent Resource Center and Veterans of Foreign War Post 1819. Contributor sponsors are Joy Products, La Placita Supermarket and Tori’s Place Ear Piercing Studio.