I am very distressed that 16 states are considering bills that would ban abortion at six weeks. That’s before many women even know they’re pregnant. It is horrifying for women like me, who are old enough to remember the terrors of illegal abortions, before Roe was decided in 1973.
I am proud that New York State protected reproductive rights and passed the Reproductive Health Act in January. Sadly, across the country we are barraged by relentless attacks on our health care. My hope is that more states follow New York’s lead and be proactive to protect abortion care and respecting patient’s decisions.
Our Supreme Court is now unbalanced, and tipped to an anti-Roe majority. They could potentially eviscerate Roe v. Wade and cancel out our human rights. If Roe is overturned, more than 25 million women will lose the ability to access safe abortion—that’s one third of all women of childbearing age in America.
Now it falls to each state to protect safe abortion access. That’s why states, like New York, are stepping up to act as a critical backstop. I am pleased that our state representatives followed the citizens’ wishes, secured the RHA and ensured that all New Yorkers will continue to have abortion access, even if Roe is overturned.
—Laura Montllor Box
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