In light of recent executive orders implemented by the governor due to the pandemic that will impact schools, and anticipating others to come, Hicksville Public Schools has organized a task force of district leaders and school community stakeholders to aid in guiding the reopening of schools.
“We have done a great deal of internal work already reimagining what school will look like under the CDC guidelines and whatever NYS may mandate to keep our students and staff safe,” stated Superintendent of Schools Marianne Litzman. “We are looking at all aspects of school operations. The board and administration will continue to communicate with our community in the weeks and months to come as the Task Force develops a strategic reopening plan.”
Because so many of the details have yet to be decided about how our schools will function for the reopening, and much of this may be mandated at the federal and state level, community members are encouraged to regularly visit for updates as they become available.
Submitted by the Hicksville School District