
Narinatto Restaurant Receives New Tenant Grant From The Port BID

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Port Washington BID president, Bill Gordon and Executive Director, Holly Byrne present Narinatto Restaurant owner, Hyek Chen and serving staff Alex the GPWBID’s most recent New Tenant Grant.

The Port Washington BID is excited to announce the most recent recipient of the New Tenant Grant; Narinatto Restaurant on 5A Irma Avenue. Owner Hyek Chen opened in a long-vacant space just before the COVID-19 crisis hit. As with all businesses, Narinatto was forced to close for a time and re-open for curbside and delivery only. Now open for limited dining in a beautifully designed seating area along Irma Avenue, Narinatto welcomes their guests to an area with ample outdoor seating, which is socially distanced, an enormous bonus at this time.

Port Washington BID President, Bill Gordon comments, “Hyek has done a great job in taking over the location on Irma Avenue location, establishing a pleasant outdoor dining area that is so fitting for today’s world!”

The Port Washington BID offers additional grants to businesses within the district to assist with improvements to enhance the overall appearance of a storefront as well as a one-time grant to assist with the costs to re-open. To learn more, visit www.portwashingtonbid.org/grants.