There’s a new lieutenant in town. Last month, Mineola resident Regis Gallet was promoted to the rank of lieutenant within the Mineola Auxiliary Police Department (MAPD) after being within the department for almost 30 years.
“About 30 years ago, a friend of mine and I saw the auxiliary police in action at the Bellmore train station and we were very interested in contributing,” Gallet said. “I knew I would be going to law school and most likely unable to be a full-time police officer, so this would be a great opportunity to work alongside the police in many aspects of their duties while still being able to maintain my chosen career path. Fast forward almost 30 years later and here I am still doing it—and never regretting a single day. In my personal opinion, there is nothing more rewarding or honorable than volunteering to help one’s community, and to be able to accomplish that while doing something that is both interesting and never routine is a win-win.”
So how did Gallet find out he was receiving this promotion?
“Michael T. Spae, our Inspector, never misses a beat to keep us on our toes,” he said. “My promotion was no exception. He told me that he needed to speak to me about some bank paperwork. In fact, my promotion would have been a week earlier, but I was not available to meet with him. I am thinking had I known, maybe I would have made the time. I showed up at our headquarters and he offered me some ‘bars’ in the freezer. I assumed it was ice cream. But of course, it was not. It was Lieutenant’s bars. He totally surprised me.”
Gallet, who is co-owner of the Recovery Room Bar and Grill in the village alongside his wife Cristi, said that his duties within the MAPD won’t change that much coming from Sergeant to Lieutenant.
“Until we have a promotion to Sergeant, I will continue to be responsible for many of the duties I was before including being the Quartermaster for our Uniform Division and the Field Training Supervisor for new members,” he said. “And during events such as parades or street fairs, I will still be responsible for coordinating with the police department as to placement of vehicles and officers to deal with traffic and similar items. And as far as events in Nassau County that are not in Mineola, my duties will likely evolve into more of a supervisory role with me overseeing other officers at their posts.”
During his tenure within the MAPD, Gallet added that there are many memorable events, both happy and sad, and recalls one incident that happened 12 years ago.
“While street fairs and concerts are enjoyable to work and to see people having a nice time, there are events that have occurred on my patrols, which are difficult,” he said. “I have seen all too many accidents, fires and injuries. I think my most memorable event was lifting a man off the railroad tracks at the Mineola station on Dec. 10, 2009 who was planning on committing suicide. Thankfully I was there. And even more thankfully, I was able to save him before a train arrived. It’s a good memory in that he is safe, but a difficult one as well.”
Gallet said that working within the MAPD is second to none.
“I would not trade my time there or the people I work—and have worked—with for anything,” he added. “I feel as though my almost 30 years have gone by in the blink of an eye. If anyone is considering joining, or has any questions about what we do or the requirements, I strongly recommend that they log onto the Nassau County Auxiliary Police Department website and inquire. And once you are contacted, do not hesitate to tell them you are interested in specifically joining the MAPD.”
To visit the county’s Auxiliary Police Department website, visit