Oct. 23 New Deadline for Applying
At the Sept. 14 meeting of the Floral Park-Bellerose School District Board of Education, the board accepted the resignation of Trustee Patrick Salmon with regret. Salmon served as a Floral Park-Bellerose School District trustee since 1998 and acted as the board’s vice president from 2003 to 2009.
The Board of Education is seeking candidates to fill Salmon’s unexpired term of office. Interested candidates are invited to submit letters of interest and resumes to: Deborah Sawicki, district clerk, Floral Park-Bellerose School District, One Poppy Place, Floral Park, NY 11001 no later than Friday, Oct. 23. Qualifications for the Board of Education include but are not limited to: eligibility as a qualified voter in the Floral Park-Bellerose School District; United States citizenship; age of 18 years or older; and continuous residency in the school district for a full year prior to October 2009.
The Board of Education will interview qualified candidates during October with a board appointment expected later in the fall. The successful candidate will complete Salmon’s term through June 30 and may petition to be a candidate for a three-year term (2010-2013) in the School District Election scheduled for May 18, 2010.
Questions? Call Mrs. Sawicki at 327-9300.