It was a fitting end to a very rainy season. It was not raining when we started, but soon after the last group teed off, we had a light drizzle. We were able to finish without getting soaked. This was the last tournament of the season and after we finished playing, we went to the Knights of Columbus hall for a luncheon and distribution of prizes. We played a “Scramble” tournament, so there was only the first and second place teams and the longest drive and closest-to-the-pin prizes. Two teams were tied with a total of 30 strokes, but one team had a birdie on the first hole so they won first-place money. They are: Tom Parker, Kent Schreiber, Joe Sander and Al Pascola. The second place winners were: Bob Ross, Ralph Guadagno, Ken Hymes and Peter Guerra.
Longest Drive – Lou Neumann
Closest to the Pin – Jim Gibbons
The club championship was again won by Dave Malle. He tied for the championship last year.
The Match Play was won by Jerry Skaee. In second place was Rudy Pekarek and third and fourth places were tied by Frank DeBello and Jim Greene.
The next tournament will be on the second Thursday in March 2010. Sign-in is at 7 a.m. Please be on time.
Competition on the nine hole course is divided into two divisions. Flight A is for players with a handicap of 13 or less. Flight B is for players with a handicap of 14 or more. The league is a 100 percent handicap league. Any man who is 55 years of age is eligible.
Note: They have room for a few more golfers (about 10) for next season. If interested in joining the league, call Lou Neumann at 681-2056 for more information.