
On Super Tuesday, Hicksville Budgets Pass

Residents of Hicksville went to the polls Tuesday and voted in favor for both the school district’s and the library’s 2010-2011 spending plans. Election of board trustees also took place. The results are as follows:

Hicksville School District

Residents of the Hicksville School District approved the 2010-2011 spending plan by 737 votes; 2,168 residents approved the district’s $114 million budget while 1,431 opposed it. The approved spending plan is a 2.91 budget-to-budget increase over the current year’s budget and carries a 3.47 percent tax levy increase.

Proposition #2, which asked voters to establish a fund in the amount of $978,000 from unexpended funds from the 2009-2010 school budget to be utilized for energy conservation projects, was approved by a vote of 2,031 to 1,436. Monies set aside in this fund will go to assist in realizing long- and short-term savings in energy costs and ensure appropriate maintenance of district facilities, represents no additional cost to the taxpayer; funds for these projects are available due to unanticipated revenues and cost-saving measures. Projects include: installation of occupancy sensors throughout the district; installation of energy-efficient lighting in all school gyms; installation of energy-efficient lighting and ceilings in all elementary and middle school classrooms; replacement of exterior doors and roof at Fork Lane; and replacement of a roof at Old Country Road.

Proposition #3 asked voters, as in previous years, to approve the allocation of $50,000 to the Hicksville Gregory Museum for educational services associated with its programs; passage of this proposition will result in a cost of $3.50 per homeowner. Proposition #3 was approved by a vote of 1,865 to 1,512.

In the race for school board, Susan Powell who ran unopposed was re-elected with 2,191 votes while James Mott defeated Brenda Judson for the seat being vacated by Alesia Sommers. Mott received 1,340 votes; Judson received 1,329. Board trustee terms are three years.

Hicksville Public Library

Residents voted 2,128 to 1,388 in favor of the Hicksville Public Library’s 2010-2011 spending plan of $3,860,000. Voters also re-elected Donna Rivera-Downey to the library’s board. Rivera-Downey received 1,416 votes while her challenger, Carlos Munovospina received 1,007 votes. Library board terms are five years.