I called McCarthy’s office to learn when she was having a town hall meeting. The response: “none are scheduled.” Another year and our “representative” is still hiding from those she ostensibly represents. Doesn’t the 4th CD deserve better than this? Do we not deserve a voice in Washington rather than a second vote for Pelosi’s San Francisco District?
Here are some questions I would have asked if the cowardly Carolyn McCarthy could muster the courage to face her constituents (she’d probably get a better reception in San Francisco): How can you justify a salary increase for you and your colleagues further increasing a huge deficit of your creation that our children and their children will have to pay? Did you read the Cap and Tax bill before voting for it? I doubt it. Did you read the healthcare legislation before voting for it? I doubt it. Why do you accept campaign donations from those you are supposed to regulate?
I have many more questions, but I’ll never get any response from you. Hopefully, the voters of the 4th CD will remove you from office this November so you won’t have to face us anymore. Please contact her yourself by telephone at 516-739-3008; via email: http://formshouse. gov/mccarthy/contact.shtml. Good luck getting a response.
Thomas P. Brosnan
Garden City