I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Village of Farmingdale for opening our doors to what seemed like the whole of Long Island for the Annual Columbus Day festivities.
The Village Fire Department does an incredible job of organizing and running this event every year. Special thanks also to our County Police and Auxiliary Units for keeping everyone safe!
I received many compliments but also some complaints. Businesses that lose parking for their customers in the Village lots and have no service or wares to sell to the crowd are not happy at all. The restaurants and novelty shops tend to be very happy and do well.
This is an Annual Village Fire Department event. Yes, the Board of Trustees sanctions this event every year, as it does all events held on Village property, but we are not responsible for running the fair. This is an annual party that has been going on for decades and the proceeds from the fair are utilized by the Fire Department for their members. The Village does not realize any income from the event other than a stipend from the Fire Department to offset some of the overtime costs incurred with the DPW staff cleaning up every night.
This letter is not to imply that the Board or I have a problem with the fair or with the volunteers raising some money for member activities. It is to set the record straight because the people who are unhappy have come before the board to register their complaints. Please feel free to attend the open public Fire Commissioners meetings held on the fourth Thursday of every month (except during summer) at 8 p.m. at Village Hall to register suggestions to improve or concerns you may have about the fair, and to offer compliments and thanks for a great party.
Enjoy the fall season and all it has to offer!
Village of Farmingdale
Mayor George “Butch” Starkie