Thank You for Participating in the Village Blood Drive
I would like to thank the residents and employees who donated blood last Tuesday, March 1, 2011.
I am pleased to report that 22 pints of blood were collected. You can feel proud of your personal involvement in helping those who depend on blood for life-giving support.
Since there is no substitute for human blood, and no way of knowing when it may be needed to save or sustain the life of a family member, a co-worker, a friend or other members of the community, we must be sure that enough blood is available at all times to meet the needs of our area’s hospitals and their patients.
Again, thank you and we look forward to your participation in our next blood drive, which will take place in October.
Higher Penalties in New York for Driving
Please be aware that higher penalties will be imposed on the driving records of those found guilty of driving while talking on a cell phone without a hands-free-device under a new regulation issued by the state Department of Motor Vehicles. The new regulations went into effect two weeks ago. The former regulation, established in 2001, only carried a fine of up to $100 for conversing on a cell phone while driving. In 2009 a law was also enacted which bans the use of portable electronic devices for sending text messages while driving. Drivers caught using these devices while driving can receive two points on their license in addition to a $150 fine under this law.
Board of Trustees Meeting Schedule
The next regularly scheduled board of trustees’ meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17, 2011, at 8 p.m.
Village’s Website
I encourage residents to periodically utilize the village’s website for information regarding the village’s operations, as well as items of seasonal and special interest. The address is For your convenience, listed on the village’s homepage under the Heading of Administration is a sub-heading “Village Map and Key Areas of Interest,” which contains direct links to various schools, parks, the Village Yard, etc.