
theHicksvilleIllustratedNews.com Calendar

Flower and Plant Sale  
Saturday, April 23
Pasta Dinner 
Saturday, April 30
Health and Safety Fair  
Saturday, April 30

 Saturday, April 23

 Flower and Plant Sale

Hosted by the Hicksville Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Hicksville Firehouse parking lot on West John St.

 Car Wash

From 10 a.m. to 3 p.m
. Levittown Pky. between the firehouse and strip mall (where Aquacade is), At the end of the day we will total the amount raised and give an equal share of profits to each team that was represented for at least two hours. Sponsored by the Hicksville Relay for Life.

 Saturday, April 30

 Pasta Dinner

Join the Joseph Barry Columbiettes and celebrate 5 p.m. Mass at St. Ignatius Loyola Church. Immediately following there will be a pasta dinner at Joseph Barry Knights of Columbus, 45 Heitz Pl. Cash bar. Adults $15; children under ten $5. Reservations required. Call Jeanette 931-2062.

 Admissions Open House

Find out more about Long Island’s premier school that addresses the needs of learning disabled students and reluctant learners in grades 4 to 12. Meet the Head of School, administrators, teachers, students and parents while you tour our campus and learn more about our program offerings. Noon to 3 p.m. at the Vincent Smith School, 322 Port Washington Blvd., Port Washington. Call 365-4900.

 Health and Safety Fair

Gardiners Avenue Elementary School, in Levittown, will be hosting its first community Health and Safety Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The fair will be featuring many venders specializing in first aid, home safety, including the Wantagh Fire Department, disability information for adults and children, financial planning, helpful health tips for our families and more. There will also be free blood pressure screening available. The NYS Masonic Safety ID Program will be joining the fair as well. The objective of the NYMSIP is to assist law enforcement agencies in the safe and timely recovery of lost or missing children, young adults or senior citizens. The NYMSIP is a fantastic comprehensive child identification service available to our community. The fair is open for the entire family at no charge. An appearance from our Town of Hempstead Supervisor Kate Murray is scheduled. There will be entertainment for children of all ages and snacks will be available.

 Sunday, May 1

 Westbury Friends School Curriculum Exhibit

Healthy Choices. Bring a picnic blanket and a lawn chair and come for light refreshments and highlights of an exciting year in school for nursery through fifth grade students. Also enjoy a short musical performance, a slide show and a short historical film about WFS, the Quakers and the Underground Railroad. Supervise your child on the beautiful playground while enjoying the May weather and the company of new friends. 1 to 3 p.m. at Westbury Friends School, 550 Post Ave., corner of Post Ave. and Jericho Tpke. For further details, call 333-3178 or email naranda@westburyfriends.org.

 Monday, May 2

 In Good Taste Event for Suicide Awareness

Treat yourself to the tasty specialties of some of LI’s newest and best restaurants while raising funds and awareness for suicide prevention. Join the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for an enjoyable evening of fine food, winning wines and delectable desserts at The Carltun, Eisenhower Park, East Meadow. The evening, which begins at 6:30 p.m., provides a sampling of the specialties from more than 40 fantastic LI restaurants. An additional treat is a special After Party featuring Everything Chocolate. Tickets are $85 for the main event or $125 which includes the After-Party. Checks may be made payable to AFSP and sent to 25 Pepperidge Rd., East Rockaway, NY 11518. Credit cards are also accepted. Online ticket sales are available at www.afsp.org (click on AFSP store and then Events). Proceeds will benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. For more information, contact Dale Camhi 869-4215.

 Friday, May 6

 The Eyes of Learning

A non-profit organization dedicated to higher learning in the metaphysical field held at Levittown Hall, 201 Levittown Pky., Hicksville. Members $10; nonmembers $15. Call 731-0909. Go to www.eyes oflearning.org. Program: “Seeking Soul Mates, Spirit Guides and Past Lives” with Richard Scheinberg, LCSW, BCD, internationally known Author and Director of Sunrise Counseling Center in East Islip. Topics will include: What is a “Soul Mate?” Can you have more than one? How to meditate in 5 easy steps. Natural trance states before, after and during sleep. Meeting your Spirit Guide while awake or in a dream state. Communicating with someone who has “crossed over”, even without the assistance of a medium. Scientific proof of past life memory. How people can recall past life memory with or without hypnosis. Karma and your destiny. How recovery of past life memory may help solve personal problems, like irrational fears and phobias. How knowledge of past life problems may help heal relationship issues, like sexual problems and fear of love and commitment? 8 p.m.