Gumby, the beloved character in the television show named after him that ran from the 50s into the late 80s, has committed his first crime—A man dressed as Gumby tried to rob a bank earlier this week.
Monday at 12:30 a.m. an individual dressed in a Gumby costume attempted to rob a Rancho Penasquitos 7-11. The robbery was unsuccessful and today police say they are seeking the Gumby robber and his accomplice.
According to Reuters, the Gumby dressed robber walked into a San Diego store with another man, not in costume. After Gumby demanded money, the clerk thought it was a joke and as Gumby reached into his pocket he reportedly only pulled out change instead of a gun. At this time, his accomplice walked out and Gumby soon followed.
The botched robbery confused the clerk who reportedly thought it was a prank. But the incident was captured on surveillance video and police are not treating it as one. According to, a reported $1,000 reward is being offered for information leading to Gumby’s arrest and both men could face felony charges of attempted robbery.
A YouTube video of the incident went viral and the caption reads,”He was unable to produce a weapon, instead dropping 27 cents in change on the floor, and leaving. According to the local police, the clerk thought it was a joke. He didnt know who Gumby was, and described to officers a ‘green Spongebob Squarepants.'”