
Letter: Examine State of Town As Elections Approach

As the elections for key Town of Hempstead positions draws near, voters need to take a close look at how things have deteriorated in the Town under the current administration. We also need to be aware of the patronage and waste that exists in the Town. One example is the projected $900,000 increase in the Town of Hempstead Animal Shelter budget, a facility that has a current operating budget significantly higher than other similar shelters, and a facility that is loaded with highly paid patronage positions. This needs to be explained to the voters. There are other wasteful practices in the Town, such as the many mailings sent to our homes. These are nothing more than campaign literature disguised as “important information,” and are paid for by the taxpayers.

It is true that the Town portion of our real estate taxes is a small portion of the overall property tax, but that does not give our elected officials the right to waste and squander these funds. Our disagreement with these practices, and the other decisions made by our elected officials, can be voiced when we vote on November 8.

Robert P. DeMarco