
The Mayor’s Corner Village of Williston Park: January 24, 2012

With the first column of 2012, on behalf of the village and my family, I wish all a happy and healthy New Year and congratulations to Williston Park Library Director Donna McKenna who is expecting twins.

As was noted at the last village board meeting, Joe Camisa, a village employee for more than 16 years and an Auxiliary Police Officer, passed away last week after a short but serious illness.

At the time of his death he was the Commander of the Williston Park Auxiliary Police Unit. In this capacity Joe gave a lot of himself to the Village of Williston Park. Those who serve with the Auxiliary Police are volunteers who are working mostly nights, weekends and holidays providing an extremely valuable service to our community. Since the early ’90s, Joe was an active participant with this group and gave freely of his time and energy. He will be missed and our thoughts and prayers go to out to his wife Dorine and three children.

In past articles I’ve reported on car burglaries that have been taking place in surrounding areas with limited incidents taking place within the Village. In a recent telephone conversation with Deputy Inspector Sean McCarthy he  reported that a number of cars were illegally entered in the Roslyn Heights and Albertson areas last week. The individuals involved tend not to damage the vehicles burglarized but rather walk down various streets checking for unlocked cars. If unlocked, the thieves enter the vehicle and remove anything of value, from scattered coins to various electronic equipment. I am reminding residents to lock their cars even when parked in front of their own home or parked in their driveway. I ask anyone to contact 911 immediately if the aforementioned behavior is being observed.

Although the winter has settled in, plans are being put in place for the upcoming pool season. Paul Blake, last year’s manager, will be returning. We have already spoken and he is anxious to began the process required to ensure a smooth pool opening and another successful pool season. Spring can’t be too far away. Think warm thoughts.