Last Walk on Our Block by Ron Baumbach
Williston Park is a town where every child deserved to have grown up. Situated on Long Island, it is a relatively short distance from the hustle and bustle of the “big city” but it has the ever loving charm of small town USA. Caring neighbors, friendly shopkeepers, civic-minded citizens, dedicated politicians, countless volunteers, it is a hamlet that could be the set for many a movie about the ‘good life’ in Middle America.” Williston Park is an America where love of neighbor is not only preached but practiced”, writes Ron Baumbach in his recently published “The Last Walk on Our Block.”
Last week I had the good fortune of meeting Ron through an introduction by former Mayor Roger Fay. Ron grew up on Houston Ave. and has written of his and his siblings’ upbringing in the village. Ron and Roger met with the library staff and Library Director Donna McKenna. Donna is hopeful of scheduling an appearance by Ron at the Carl Del Vechio Memorial Library in the near future.
The Williston Park Fire Department Blood Drive is scheduled for Monday, February 27th. This drive will be held at the Firehouse, located at 454 Willis Ave., between 2:30 and 8:30 p.m.
Donations have been getting lower during previous drives therefore all eligible residents are asked to participate. It is a fairly quick procedure and with today’s technique the event is basically painless. Please consider contributing to this extremely worthwhile cause.
It has been brought to the village’s attention, that in Hicksville and a few other communities, individuals have been going house to house claiming to be water meter readers and gaining entrance into homes. Once in, a robbery/burglary takes place.
In Williston Park, residents who have had their meter changed to an outside read have no need for a water employee to enter the house unless the village has been notified of a problem within the house related to the meter. If that is the case, the homeowner will be notified in advance. For those homes whose meters have not yet been updated, village personnel must gain access to the home in order to get an actual meter reading.
Village employees are given official identification and, if approached, the homeowner should ask to see the identification. Employees assigned to this task have normally completed their meter reading by 2:30 p.m. If a homeowner has a concern about the identity of the reader, deny entrance and contact the village office immediately at 746-2193 for confirmation that the individual is in fact a village employee.
After 4 p.m. notify 911 as village offices are closed. Residents who have not have had their meter changed should call Williston Park Village Hall to schedule a replacement meter. Once this is done, employees will no longer be required to enter a home for a reading.
I continue to mention traffic safety to the point that some may feel I’m being repetitious. However, drivers are not responding to traffic devices or maintaining legal speed limits. Police cannot be at all stop signs, traffic lights, etc. Therefore, it is incumbent upon of all of us to drive safely to help ensure a safer community.
Along those lines, a village employee, Frank Lovisi, was injured while working on Willis Avenue. A motorist heading southbound hit Frank’s village truck driving it backwards into Frank. Frank is recovering and was lucky not to have sustained life threatening injuries.
I’m not aware of the reason for the collision but arriving at the scene was gut-wrenching as Frank lay on the ground as ambulances arrived. I expect to continue pushing for traffic safety and if we all reach out to friends neighbors and family to be more cautious when driving it’s possible to improve this situation.
Williston Park Little Parade Set for April 14
Spring cannot be too far away as the Williston Park Little League Parade is set for April 14, in preparation of their 61st season. Mark your calendar, check the paper for the parade route and come out and show your support for the young players and their coaches as they will be marching proudly, representing their team colors.
(Happy 90th to my mother-in-law Tina Rodio!)