The Cantiague Park Senior Men’s Golf League had its fifth tournament on May 10 and May 11, hosting 29 golfers over the course of two days due to a rainy Thursday morning. There were six golfers who scored 39 or better. Dave Malle and Charlie Hong both scored a 35 for low actual score, but Dave won the tiebreaker. New member Bob Powers won low overall net. This was the fifth time in a row that Charlie Hong has shot under 40 and leads the club among winnings with $50. He has won his annual dues back in only five weeks. Joe Sander won the 50/50 raffle.
Low Actual Score – Dave Malle (35) with tie breaker
Low Overall Net – Bob Powers (24) with handicap
Low Flight A – Charlie Hong (27) with handicap
2nd Low Flight A – Bob Evans (28) with handicap
Longest Drive – Geoff Tripp (Geoff is ineligible because he has won this before. There were no second place finishers on the first day.)
Closest to the Pin – Bob Powers on the first day
Low Flight B – Frank Russo (29) with handicap
2nd Low Flight (B) – Walter Ludewig (31) with handicap and tiebreaker (Walter wins this twice in a row.)
Leaders in points scored for club champion are Charley Hong with 15 points, Geoff Tripp with 14, and Dave Malle with 13, Bob Ross with 12.
Leaders in points for Flight B are Bob Powers with eight points and Kent Schreiber also with eight points. John Agnoli has seven points, and two others have six points.
The next tournament will be on Thursday, May 24. Sign-in will be promptly at 8 a.m. Rain date is Friday, May 25. Competition on the nine-hole course is divided into two divisions. Flight A is for players with a handicap of 13 or lower. Flight B is for players with a handicap of 14 or more. The league is a 100 percent handicap league. Any man 55 years or older is eligible for membership.
There is room for few more golfers this season. If you are interested in joining the league please call John Bosco at 512-0050 for more information. The league includes an optional match play competition beginning in July and includes recognition of a yearly overall club champion by awarding points throughout the year. There are numerous opportunities for cash prizes for individual achievement utilizing your handicap in every tournament. Please call 735-6367 in the event of inclement weather cancellation.
An asterisk denotes golfer must have three scores at Cantiague before assigning a handicap.