
Letter: Response To ‘Get the Word Out: Parking in Parking Lots is Cool’

I wanted to thank Karen Gellender, the writer of the May 17 column, “Get the Word Out: Parking in Parking Lots is Cool.” It was a truly hysterical and yet sad commentary on the busy lives of many individuals.

If there really ever was a public awareness program to teach people that the laws apply to everyone, all the time, I would not hesitate to support it. Heck, I would even donate money towards it!

Furthermore, being that my family and I are avid walkers and bikers, if such a campaign ever did get started, I would add the following to its list of issues: STOP does not stand for “slight tap on pedal” and yellow on a traffic light does not mean time to step on the gas!

Thanks again for the laugh!

Rachel Fox