
A Big Thank You To The Oyster Bay/East Nor Soccer Club

The Oyster Bay Rockets and the Oyster Bay Tornadoes, boys and girls U17 team’s had the great honor to play in the Schwan’s USA Cup International Tournament in Blaine, Minnesota, July 13-16. This is due to the sponsorship of the Oyster Bay/East Norwich Soccer Club.

Both teams have been together since U10 travel, at that time it was the first year teams could participate in a travel program. Prior to U10 they played in the intramural program in Oyster Bay.  Since then they have represented Oyster Bay all over LI.   The Tornadoes also participate in tournaments all over the east coast.  Traveling west was a first for both teams along with traveling together with another Oyster Bay team.

Thanks to the vision of the president, Mark Butler, and the support of the entire board, the players were able to compete in one of the country’s biggest tournament. The vision being that our players, coaches and parents have supported the club from the time they started in the travel program (and the majority from the intramural program) to the end of their soccer journey (12th grade) and as a thank you to them they sent the players to the USA Cup.  A tradition started and going forward.

The Tornadoes had the pleasure of playing teams from Minnesota, South Dakota and Wisconsin at the National Sports Complex. The Rockets versed teams from Illinois, Wisconsin and the country of Norway. The fields were immaculate, the competition was stiff, the weather was very hot but all the players put on their game face and gave it their all.

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The Rockets: Kevin Velasquez, Quinn McQuade, Kevin Rubio, Jordan Contreras, Chris Sadocha, Ryan Sommi, Jason Velasquez, David Milano, Keyan Cody , Ryan Gouse, Ricky Velasquez, Tyler Ozkan, Kyle Cartwright, Daniel Iannetta, Mark Stutzman, Coach Ozkan, Justin Ozkan, Francis Kalombo, Thomas Carchietta

The weekend wasn’t just about about soccer, the girls managed to watch the Minnesota National Team play against Tampa Bay, both the boys and the girls fit in the Mall of America and cruised down the Mississippi River viewing the Twin Cities via waterfront. They also participated in the athletic party sponsored by the tournament and played a few games of foosball (table soccer) among other activities at the center.

The teams would also like to thank Christina’s Epicure for their kind donation along with the parents for their constant support.

Soccer is what brings the teams together; friendship is what keeps them bonded.

The Tornadoes and Rockets are left with a memory that will last a lifetime thanks to Oyster Bay Soccer!

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Relaxing after finishing off their last games for the weekend.







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All dressed up just before the team dinner.






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Coach Albanese and Coach Ozkan.








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Chilling at the Mall of America.