
Hicksville Decks The Halls At Tree Lighting

Kennedy Park filled with cheer

during annual holiday celebration

For the 18th year, the Rotary Club of Hicksville–Jericho sponsored the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony at Kennedy Park in the heart of Hicksville.  

It was a bit damp on Dec. 7; however, the drizzle didn’t dampen the spirit of the large turnout of people that were there. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Hicksville Fire Department made sure of that by graciously donating and serving hot chocolate to keep everyone warm and happy.

Volunteers from the Hicksville Fire Department decorated the large evergreen tree in the middle of Kennedy Park. An additional 22 Christmas trees were donated by Ron Regan, a friend of the Hicksville-Jericho Rotary Club. These trees were set up by volunteers from the Hicksville Water Department and decorated by local Hicksville civic groups, businesses, churches and elected officials. Sabrina and Greg from radio station Fresh 102.7 were covering scene.  

Hicksville-Jericho Rotary President Dr. James J. Bentson was the master of ceremonies this year.  Dr. Bentson reminded us that in addition to this evening being a fun filled start to the holiday season, it was also a night to remember the tragic events that unfolded Dec. 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor.

The evening began with the Town of Oyster Bay Supervisor John Venditto and the Honor Guard of Cub Scout Packs 930 and 381 leading us with the Pledge of Allegiance.

With the help of DJ Robert Shapiro, the Girl Scouts (Ambassador/Cadet Troop 3556, Junior Troop 3515, Junior Troop 3006, Brownie Troop 3362, Brownie Troop 3307 and Brownie Troop 3607) led the crowd in patriotic and holiday songs.

Thanks to the Chief Chris Moskos and the Hicksville Volunteer Fire Department, Santa Claus was escorted in on a fire truck to begin the festivities with a countdown to light the Christmas trees.  

Once the trees were lit, dancers from the Ella Marie School of Dance did a fantastic job of entertaining us with six wonderful dance routines that would have made the Radio City Rockettes proud. The Ella Marie School of Dance has performed for us every year since the inception of the tree lighting ceremony and the community is thankful to them for their lively and enthusiastic support.  

The Rotary Club of Hicksville-Jericho would like to thank Rotarians Dr. James Bentson and Bill Schuckmann for coordinating the event this year. They would also like to thank Ron Regan for his donation of 22 Christmas trees, Supervisor John Venditto and the Town of Oyster Bay for the use of the Showmobile, the Hicksville Volunteer Fire Department, the Cub Scouts, the Girl Scouts, the Ella Marie School of Dance, DJ Robert Shapiro and the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hicksville Fire Department for all their support again this year.  

Special thanks to everyone who decorated a Christmas tree this year, including Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano, Nassau County Legislator Rose Marie Walker, Assemblyman Michael Montesano, American Legion Charles Wagner Post #421, the Center for Developmental Disabilities, Cub Scout Pack 930, Cub Scoutsw Pack 381, Duffy Avenue Civic Association, Hicksville High School Rotary Interact Club, Girl Scouts of Nassau County, the Hicksville Public Library, the Hicksville Youth Council’s Boys and Girls Club, Hicksville Chiropractic Office, Hicksville Garden Civic Association, The Hicksville Historical Society, Knights of Columbus Joseph Barry Council 2520, Knights of Columbus Holy Family Council 11227, Montana Agency, St. Ignatius Loyola School, the Sarah Grace Foundation for Children with Cancer, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3211 and the Hicksville Water District.

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Girl Scouts troops sing some festive holiday tunes.

The Hicksville-Jericho Rotary is the local chapter of Rotary International, an organization encompassing more then 29,500 clubs with 1.2 million members in 161 countries worldwide. They have been serving our community since 1951. The club members embrace the ideals of Rotary, “Service Above Self,” and seek to foster the ideal of service in their personal, business, and community lives whenever possible. The organization provides scholarships for local high school students, helps supply the local food pantry, supports the Hicksville Boys and Girls Club, gives guidance to the Hicksville Interact Club at Hicksville High School, and is involved in the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.

If you are interested in becoming a positive force in the Hicksville-Jericho community and would like to learn more about Rotary or becoming a member please contact Rotary President, Donna Rivera-Downey at riverad@GSNC.ORG or visit the website www.hicksvillejerichorotary.org.