Affordable, fun fitness program
for kids coming to Hicksville
One might describe Randi Chenkin’s fitness program for kids, Randirobics as “out of this world.”
Here on Earth, obesity is keeping a significant number of children and adolescents grounded, as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that more than a third are overweight or obese.
“Randirobics is a very unique, interactive kids program that features children’s sing-along aerobics and original cool and funky music that I co-write. But the whole mission is to combat childhood obesity on Long Island,” said Randi Chenkin, a Jericho resident, who has performed shows at schools, camps, libraries, children’s hospitals and on cruise ships.
Chenkin’s celestially centered routine will hopefully help lower the number of overweight Earthlings, which can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, breathing problems and self-esteem issues.
Overweight and obese children are classified through a measurement of one’s body mass index (BMI), which combines a child’s weight and height to indicate his or her level of body fat. Technically, overweight children are classified at or above the 85th BMI percentile, while obese children are at or above the 95th BMI percentile.
Chenkin recently became a certified Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) officer days before Superstorm Sandy and spent nearly 12 weeks helping train local volunteers following the storm. She hopes to also incorporate safety and preparedness techniques with her Randirobics participants.
Beginning March 11, Randirobics launches, with a boost from the Town of Oyster Bay, at the Hicksville Community Center at 4 p.m. for kids ages 6 through 8. Chenkin is also booked for a program at the Syosset Community Center in April for children with autism ages 5 through 15.
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